Macieira Xo Aguardente Vinica Velha

Macieira  Xo Aguardente Vinica Velha

Macieira Xo Aguardente Vinica Velha

$79.99 ea


Firewater Velha Macieira Xo 50 Cl

It is a unique wine spirit. It is produced today the same artisanal way as when it was created in 1865 by Casa MACIEIRA, which confers its unforgettable character and charm.Produced from a careful selection and allotment of the best wine spirits, D ALMA XO- AGUARDENTE VÍNICA VELHA-10 YEARS is a brand of Aguardente Vínica Velha, a production of limited edition, aged for a minimum period of 10 years, in the best French oak casks.It is during its ageing in Limousin oak barrels that D ALMA XO- AGUARDENTE VÍNICA VELHA-10 YEARS absorbs part of the wooden components. It concentrates due to a slow evaporation of the alcohol. Each year it loses around 3% of the aged volume. This constant evaporation is called "the angels part"

SKU: 15936. Category: Spirits, Spirits/Portugal.



Additional Information






6 bottles

Std Drinks



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