De Bortoli King Valley Prosecco 750ml

De Bortoli King Valley Prosecco 750ml

De Bortoli King Valley Prosecco 750ml

$14.99 ea


The King Valley

Australia’s natural home for Prosecco. Many families originated from Northern Italy where the Prosecco grapes are indigenous. Ideal climate and breathtaking scenery at the base of Victoria’s snowfields. 


Fruit is harvested in the cool of night to achieve a balance of fruit freshness and acidity. The wine is pressed and racked to stainless vats for fermentation. The wine is blended and the all important secondary fermentation begins that gives the final bubbles. This second fermentation gives creaminess and texture to the blend, before it is transferred under pressure, complete with bubbles, to bottle.

Taste Notes

Pale with green hues. Fruit-driven with hints of green apple and wisteria. It tastes of apple and pear with fresh pithy lemon, gentle creaminess, complete with the very fine bubbles that we call ‘bead’. 



Additional Information




King Valley




6 bottles

Alc. Content


Std Drinks



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