Johnnie Walker Blue 700ml

Johnnie Walker Blue 700ml

Johnnie Walker Blue 700ml

$249.99 ea


Johnnie Walker Blue Label is the pinnacle of the Johnnie Walker Whisky stable. Created to reflect the the style of whiskies of the early 19th century, it is created using the rarest casks in House of Walker, the largest in the world. The casks are hand selected and set aside for their exceptional quality, character and flavour while retaining the signature smokiness of Johnnie Walker whiskies.

The signature serve represents the best way to fully appreciate the extraordinary taste of BLUE LABEL. It’s a slow, intense, rich, deep and multi-layered experience. Start by serving neat in a tumbler, nosing the whisky carefully.

The powerful aromas from the west coast are balanced with hints of sweetness and depth. Take a sip of iced water before your first sip of whisky to make sure the palate is refreshed. Your first taste will reveal an explosion of flavour on the tongue, which then resonates throughout your palate.

The layers of flavour develop and unfold and the finish continues with more and more flavours developing. Then there’s a rich and uniquely long and satisfying finish of smoke, pepper, ending with a glorious touch of spice.



Additional Information




Scotch Whisky


6 bottles

Alc. Content


Std Drinks



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