Brown Brothers Orange Muscat and Flora 375ml

Brown Brothers Orange Muscat and Flora 375ml

Brown Brothers Orange Muscat and Flora 375ml

$10.99 ea



Orange Muscat and Flora is a blend unique to Brown Brothers. Orange Muscat forms the backbone of the blend, providing aromas of orange blossom to the nose and a fresh citrus hint to the palate, while the Flora contributes colour, texture and mouth-feel.
Vineyard Region: Northern Victoria
Color: The current release is vibrant yellow.
Aroma: Lifted aromas of lemon, honey, spice and musk.
Palate: Fresh and tangy with a zesty long clean balanced finish.
Wine Analysis: Alc/Vol: 10%
Growing Conditions: This wine is made-up of a blend of 80% Orange Muscat and 20% Flora. The fruit was grown at our Mystic Park vineyard and was harvested in mid March 2012 at baumé levels ranging from 14.9° to 16.5°.


Contact us for availability



Additional Information




King Valley


80% Orange Muscat and 20% Flora




12 bottles

Alc. Content


Std Drinks



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