Casal Garcia Vinho Verde 750ml

Casal Garcia Vinho Verde 750ml

Casal Garcia Vinho Verde 750ml

$11.75 ea


This wonderful wine is produced by Aveleda with carefully selected grapes from the best vineyards of the Vinho Verdes Region - The most extensive in Portugal. The grapes are pressed at low temperatures and the must is then clarified and fermented at controlled temperatures. Before bottling, the wine is filtered and cold stabilized.

Casal Garcia Vinho Verde presents a lime juice colour and a clear appearance. This is a smooth and fresh wine with delicate and fruity aroma, young and balanced. Casal Garcia is a 75 year old brand produced by Aveleda and is easily identified by its blue label, which represents one of the magnificent embroideries of the Minho Region.

Casal Garcia is ideal as an appetizer or throughout a meal, especially oriental cuisine, light fish dishes and fresh salads. Due to its freshness, it is particularly pleasant in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

Best served cold.




Additional Information




Vinho Verde


Trajadura, Loureiro, Arinto, Azal




12 bottles

Alc. Content


Std Drinks



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