D'arienberg Dry Dam-Riesling 2013 Museum Release

D'arienberg Dry Dam-Riesling 2013 Museum Release

D'arienberg Dry Dam-Riesling 2013 Museum Release

$23.99 ea


2013 d’Arenberg The Dry Dam Riesling McLaren Vale – This museum release has busted through its awkward adolescence and is entering a phase of optimal maturity. The lemon and lime sherbet notes of youth are gently retreating allowing the deliciously mature, toasty, flinty characters of aged Riesling to emerge. Acid and sweetness continue to play a role in equal measure, on the one hand countering each other, but at the same time ensuring generous mouthfeel with freshness and length.

Sealed under Stelvin, and cellared in d’Arenberg’s own pristine, climate controlled warehousing, every effort has been made to ensure this wine reaches your glass in the condition the winemaker would expect. The Dry Dam is a wine of great pedigree and the 2013 is certain to please both the avid fan and the most particular of new comers.



Additional Information




Mcclaren Vale, Sa




12 bottles

Alc. Content


Std Drinks



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